The difference between rude, mean and bullying behaviours

Continually focusing on positive behaviours and teamwork throughout the whole year is an absolute must in the classroom!

While front and centre in a prominent place in my classroom, I like to have a poster with the golden rule. I refer to this constantly and on a daily basis. It only takes a few weeks before students are also using it as a guideline for their own attitudes and actions.

However it’s also important for students to understand what negative behaviour is, what is looks like and how it makes them feel. I find that when discussing undesirable behaviours, that students tend to confuse the difference between being rude, being mean and bullying.

These posters are designed to be used to guide the teacher and also as a reference for health lessons. In this mini pack is a cut and paste activity, with various behaviours to be sorted under the headings on rude, mean and bullying. Both AU/UK and US spellings are included.

If you’d like a copy of the free mini pack, just click on the picture below.


✏️❤️ Katie